international law
human rights
the environment
Human Rights Impacts Assessments (HRIAs) and preliminary risk screenings. Analysis/advice on human rights obligations. Design and implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguards Frameworks, mitigation strategies, and monitoring systems. Facilitation of rightsholder engagement and rightsholder-led HRIAs. Rights-based advocacy and strategic planning.
Design and implementation of Free Prior & Informed Consent (FPIC) processes, alongside community partners. Advice to communities on benefit-sharing agreements, consent agreements, monitoring plans, and other process outputs. Assistance understanding and implementing UNDRIP rights.
Facilitation of trust- and support-based human rights work within and between orgs, using custom tools and approaches.
Design of Grievance and Remedy Mechanisms (GRMs), as well as deeper dialogue and mediation work to unlock the information and relationship-building values of conflict.
Human rights analysis of technology-driven programs and related impacts. Integration of human rights in design, testing, scaling, and launch/post-launch stages of technology products and developments. Academic and policy work with technologists and communities, emphasizing participation and transparency rights and benefits.
Work with Indigenous Peoples on realizing their rights to self-determination of their culture, knowledge, history, identity, and linked resources and data. Academic and policy work on data sovereignty. i.e. new frameworks for data rights and responsibilities in the context of self-determination.
Integration of human rights and “just transition” equity into climate finance mechanisms, including the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), development finance projects, org activities, and community advocacy and action plans.
Design and facilitation of public fact-finding processes. Independent reviews and internal investigations. Interviewing, evidence collection, documentation, analysis, and compelling report-writing. Crisis communications and media liaison work when appropriate.
Select representation of human rights defenders facing assaults, criminal charges, retaliatory lawsuits, and other harassment and intimidation triggered by their advocacy. Assistance to organizations concerning their bystander obligations. Assistance drawing attention to this important issue.
Strategic counseling and select representation on complex issues of international law, provided to communities and organizations in line with our mission to promote a more equitable and inclusive international legal discourse.
Aaron Marr Page started Forum Nobis in 2010 to offer legal representation and rights-based strategic consulting directly to Indigenous peoples, local communities, and community-based rights organizations.
Since 2018, Forum Nobis has also worked with select international non-profits, foundations, and strategic benefit corporations to help them meet their responsibility to respect human rights.
Aaron also teaches human rights law at the University of Iowa College of Law and maintains an active law practice focusing on criminal defense of protestors and human rights defenders, civil rights (race and gender discrimination), and corporate accountability.
Forum Nobis is a boutique firm and must be very selective about taking on new engagements. Even where we cannot take on a matter, however, we aim to be available to communities and organizations to discuss options generally, make referrals, and contribute to broader coalition efforts.
Please feel free to get in touch using this form or contact us directly at info@forumnobis.com or +1 202 618 2218.